sábado, 11 de octubre de 2008

Wicca en Estados Unidos

la Escuela Wicca en Estados unidos de norteamerica no funciona como escuela ...ya que no les gusta en mucho ser escuela precisamente...de alla nos llega el legado muyhermoso de lo ecléctico o Nueva Era...... algunos de los mas buenos covens que yo podría anunciar sin miedos a decir que son buenos son los siguientes:
Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, Inc. - Promotes networking among Pagan-identified Unitarian Universalists, and provides for the outreach of Unitarian Universalism to the broader Pagan community. Provides an updated list of CUUPS chapters with locations and contact information.
Ace Of CUUPS - A CVUUF chapter of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans. Their intent is to create inclusive, family-oriented ritual gatherings for all ages in the Conejo Valley/Thousand Oaks area of California.
BFUU-CUUPS - Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists offers links, contact information and schedule of events.
Brazos Valley CUUPS Listserv - Mailing list group for a Brazos Valley, Texas chapter.
The Bridge - Denton, Texas chapter. Mission statement, bylaws, calendar, membership information, rituals, biographies, and pictures are included on the site.
Burlington UU Circle (VT) - Providing a safe place for Pagans in Vermont to create community and to assure through our ritual and other outreach projects so that no Green Mountain Pagan is solitary unless they choose to be.
Celebrate The Circle - The Eno River UU Fellowship chapter, located in Durham, NC, is a group of open-minded women and men who gather together to learn, share and worship in an Earth-centered environment. Schedule of upcoming events, newsletter and contact list is available.
Chalice Circle CUUPs - Celebrates the seasons of the year, full moons, and new moons together in rituals and workshops in Norman, Oklahoma. Detailed list of gatherings with dates and event schedule.
Circle of Crescent City Pagans - Offers weekly meetings and seasonal rituals in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Circle of Gaia Dreaming - Outreach group attempting to link any pagan-based faith in and around Athens, OH. Offers information, events and links.
Circle of Life CUUPS - Embraces a wide variety of beliefs and is affiliated with the First Jefferson Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Worth, Texas. Upcoming events, ritual protocol, information about their officers, and a newsletter.
Circles in the Woods - Promoting the understanding and practice of pagan and earth-centered spirituality within the UUCT, this group is affiliated with the U.U. Church of Tampa, Florida. Schedule of meetings, calendar, and bylaws.
Columbia CUUPs - Located in Columbia, SC. They provide a safe place for exploring pagan spiritual paths.
Columbus-CUUPs - General mailing list for members of this chapter.
Coyote Willow CUUPS - Provides a safe, family friendly environment for celebrating pagan spirituality in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Sabbat schedule and lore. Contact information and map.
CUUPS at OCUUC - This Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church's group is family-oriented with an emphasis on exploring the many aspects of Neo-Paganism. Meets at the UU Church in Costa Mesa, CA
CUUPS Twin Cities - A community celebrating the Sacred Cosmos in Minneapolis, MN (USA) offering a Pagan "Sunday school" for children, public rituals, and adult classes.
CUUPs-L Announcement List - Announcement list for members and those interested in CUUPs events.
Earth Circle - Provides opportunities to celebrate and learn about a variety of earth based traditions through the celebration of sun and moon circles throughout the calendar year. Located in Andover, MA.
Earth CUUPS - A group that honors both the Goddess and the God, recognizing that there is a bit of the divine in everyone and everything. Meets in Houston, Texas.
Earth Spirit of the Shenandoah Valley - A fellowship of Earth centered spirituality that is affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Shenandoah Valley in Stephens City, VA.
Four Winds CUUPS - Features drumming circles, an events calendar, and affiliations with the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Park Forest, IL.
Frederick Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans - Affiliated with the Unitarian-Universalist Congregation of Frederick, Maryland. Profile, flyer, meeting times and related links.
Full Circle - A participatory, spiritual program of UUCA that integrates a variety of earth-based traditions with the principles of Unitarian Universalism. Located in Annapolis, MD.
Greater New Bedford Circle - Group affiliated with the First Unitarian Church in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Contact information and directions.
Greater Salt Lake Area CUUPS - A new chapter of this spiritual community.
Halifax Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans - Details of the unofficial Halifax, Nova Scotia chapter of CUUPs including meeting notes and contacts.
Lexington CUUPS - List of events including weekly meetings, drum circle dates, full moon celebrations in Lexington, Kentucky. Includes descriptions of rituals they have done and articles expressing members perspectives on a variety of subjects.
Live Oak Organization Pagan CUUPs - "LOOP" is an organization that was founded in 1999. It meets at Live Oak UU Church in Austin, Texas.
Moon Fire CUUPS - Strives to build a safe and nurturing community which is inclusive and provides for spiritual growth and service to the Earth and Her children. Meets in Arlington, Virginia.
Mountain CUUPS - A group of open minded women and men who gather together to learn, share and worship in an Earth centered environment. Includes a Learning Circle Meeting Schedule and Wheel of the Year Celebration descriptions. Meets at the Boone UU Fellowship in Boone, NC.
Mountain Dance CUUPS - Holds monthly Pagan learning circles so that people may connect and share ideas with others in the Pagan community. Meets in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Nightsong Unveiled - Located in Manchester, Connecticut. Site has a calendar of events.
The Onion CUUPS - Earth based, spiritually oriented group affiliated with the Sepulveda Unitarian Universalist Society in North Hills, California. Schedule of events and directions.
Prairie Wind Chapter - Pagan, Goddess and earth-centered spiritualities woven together with Unitarian Universalism, hosted by the Abraham Lincoln Congregation in Springfield, Illinois.
Seattle CUUPS - Explores the spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions in Seattle, Washington. Contact list and meeting schedule included.
Silver CUUPS of Holly - A learning group and portal to the local pagan community, this group studies all paths and explores earth based spirituality in Hollywood, Florida.
South Valley CUUPS - An interest group of the South Valley Unitarian Universalist church. Hosted monthly pancake breakfasts, lunar rituals, pagan philosophy classes, and community events in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Spiral Web CUUPS - This Yahoo discussion group is the homepage of a chapter that meets on the 4th Friday of every month in Poughkeepsie, NY. The group presents diversified rituals and is open to many beliefs.
Triad CUUPS - Provides a safe place for Pagans to gather for worship in Greensboro, NC. The group supports those on Pagan/Earth Centered Paths, maintains an environment where people of differing age groups and ability levels are free to participate and encourages leadership participation of all members.
Tuscaloosa CUUPS - Tuscaloosa, Alabama group. Directions, calendar of events, activities and events, message group and Wiki page.
UU Congregation of Atlanta - Meeting and class schedule for the chapter of UU Church in Atlanta, Georgia.
UU Fellowship of Santa Cruz County - A place to explore the world of Nature worship, magic, and community. Includes a newsletter, message board, contact list and a survey and sign up form for interested persons in Santa Cruz County, California.
UU Pagans of Cherry Hill - A family oriented, primarily Wiccan and Pagan UU group, welcoming all faiths. Workshops and Full Moon rituals open to the public. Located in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.
UUSJ-CUUPs - San Jose's chapter's mailing list.
Vermont Wiccan and Pagan Resources - Homepage of the Burlington UU Circle, Inc., (BUUC), a chapter of the Covenant of UU Pagans (CUUPS). Supports networking efforts among those in Vermont's Pagan community. Site has group description and local and state calendar of events such as "Spirit Drum and Ecstatic Dance Circle".
Vibrant, Juicy, Contemporary: or, Why I Am a UU Pagan - Article on one Pagan's beliefs and experiences as a UU Pagan.
The Virtual Circle - Located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Open circles, study groups, an email newsletter and labyrinth walking are available.


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